The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 26

Yes, brand new. I know it is. So there. Phphttt!


The Alibi – Chapter 26

Jensen hurried to Bates’s sonar station. “What is it?”

Bates put an incoming signal on speakers. “Hear that?”

Jensen looked at the speakers. “It’s what we heard before, right? Or something similar? This sounds more like some kind of church organ or calliope. Some kind of music. This is from in the water?

Bates turned volume down. “You’re close regarding instrumentation. Don’t know if it’s music. What you’re hearing are what musicians call voices. Like in an orchestra, each separate violin is a voice within the strings, each trumpet is a voice within the brass.” She adjusted some sliders on her boards. “Here they are with more separation.”

Jensen’s eyes went wide. “My god, how many voices is that?”

“Sherlock separated close to a thousand ranging from infra- to utra-sound.”

“Whoever’s doing this has some incredible sonoscopic equipment. Better than ours?”

Bates made more adjustments. “Listen again. What do you notice?”

Jensen shrugged.

Bates handed her a second set of earphones. “Now listen. What do you hear?”

Jensen closed her eyes, focused, and a moment later removed the headphones. “Can’t be. You bullshitting me?”

Bates put the signal on speakers. “Breathing. And organic, not machine-made. Sherlock scanned for AI telltales and came up with none.” She flipped some switches and a monitor showed eight waveforms, two across and four down. “Notice anything else?”

“There all the same note? Frequency? Pitch?”

“Close enough and only becuase Sherlock’s showing it that way. Those voices – that chorus – is probably the most powerful LRAD in existence. Except it produces a much tighter and more concentrated phonic beam. It’s an acoustic laser.Imagine a sound so concentrated it can explode things, like a soprano shattering a wine glass, except this could explode water. Lots of water. Sonoluminescence on overdrive, on steroids, like nobody’s ever imagined before.”


“There’s the rub. It’s coming in from about three-hundred miles out. At the shelf break.”

Previous entries in The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery)

Being Dissed by an Unnamed Bear

We experienced an abundance of Bear a while back.

I offer “abundance” and recognize we see them as singlets.

Bears rarely meet and mingle except for purposes of procreation.

(ever wonder about procreation, recreation, and what they share aside from a root. The former is forward – pro – the latter is static – re. We recreate ourselves, our brands, our leaders, and…yeah, okay, I suppose sometimes we design them either by chance or by choice (that’s “pro” again).

Bears, when they’ve completed their forwarding tasks, go off by themselves. You’ll often see a sow with her cubs – and don’t get between them – and even then, she’ll send males cubs off on their own at the end of their first year, definitely by the end of their second.

Some tell me Two-Legs are the only ones who’ve made a game out of procreation and such statements, to me, show great ignorance of…something. Language or biology, I’m not sure which and probably both.

Enjoying sex is fine. Enjoying sex with the purpose of procreation is also wonderful.

But most people I know who play at sex do so taking precautions to insure no offspring result.

Indeed and with the exception of certain audience segments, resulting offspring usually results in a decrease in play sex.

And meanwhile, this unnamed fellow enjoys our feeders.


The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery) – Chapter 25

Brand new. I swear. A lot. I swear a lot.

I think this is brand new since I last populated this blog with excerpts. What was Chapter 23 is now Chapter 24 so I’m not putting that in. Hopefully this chapter is brand new…ish.

Let me know if I’m mistaken.


The Alibi – Chapter 25

Sean put a rack of clean towels in his spare room, moved out some fins and tanks, pushed two scuba suits over to the side to make room in the closet, and wheeled in an extra-thick mattressed cot complete with fluffy pillow. A quick check of his watch told him Seamus should be in the air by now.

His mobile chirped Bloody Sunday. He tapped Seamus’ winking face and heard his cousin railing before the phone got to his ear.

“Start over again, Seamus. I missed part of that.”

“My flight’s delayed. Some kind of engine trouble or other nonsense. I’m booking another flight. I’ll…Cac! There’s no flights to Boston today. How far is New York from you?”

“Add four hours minimum to your flight time. Anything for Portland, Maine?”

“I can get to Montreal. How far is that?”

“Adding customs? Not worth it. How important is this?”

Cac! Now there’s a problem with my credit card. Hold on. I’ll use my university card.”

Seamus’ image left the screen and returned a moment later. His wife hovered in the background, smiled, and signed HELLO // to Sean. He signed back YO //.

Seamus grimaced. “Fuck! There’s a hold on all my cards.”

His wife handed him her card. “Ah. Okay. Now we’re…Íosa Críost! It’s not my cards, it’s me! I’m not allowed international travel! What the fuck? I’m known internationally in half a dozen fields! I hold professorships in universities all over the world! I – ”

Sean interrupted him. “Seamus, has this ever happened before?”

“Never! Countries are thrilled to have me lecture and study. I – ”

“It’s happened to me before.”


“Sometimes I’m doing sensitive work. Sometimes I – ”

“You mean Alphabet City work?”

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Previous entries in The Alibi (A John Chance Mystery)

A Healthy Young Lad (and such an appetite!)

As mentioned last week, we have a new guest in our yard.

Thus far we’ve not impressed with his table manners.

No idea if this healthy young lad is a descendent of either Horace or Lucien (more on that in future posts, me thinks), and the comings and goings of Bear are, let it be known, a not to be questioned.

I mean, two of them are in the northern sky, so you know they’re watching…